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August 22, 2021 / Duration: 45:52
Series: Overviews
The book of Esther offers a snapshot of God’s faithfulness through his kind and merciful providence and his call to covenant renewal for comfortable and complacent Christians.
Security – An Overview of Nehemiah – Aug 15, 2021
August 15, 2021 / Duration:
Under Nehemiah, Isreal is lead into renewal, revival, and reform. As God moves among his people, they dwell securely in his faithfulness!
A Passion for God’s Glory
June 1, 2021 / Duration: 41:20
A realization and humble appreciation for God’s love in Christ will enflame our prayers with a passion for God’s glory.
A Passion for God’s Sovereignty
May 25, 2021 / Duration: 42:02
Ephesians 1:15-23 | Preacher: Jacob DeCourcey
As we pray with a passion for God’s sovereignty, God becomes the main character of our prayers.
A Passion For Gospel Grace
May 4, 2021 / Duration: 52:57
Beginning the our Passion Prayers series, we’ll study prayer’s framework, prayer’s petitions, prayer’s goal, and prayer’s ground.
The Christian’s Prayer
March 24, 2019 / Duration: 50:27
Matthew 6:7-17 As Christians, our prayers require a posture of the heart towards God that loves Jesus as our ruler, our forgiver, and our deliverer, and a posture of the heart toward others that shows mercy.
The Place of Prayer in the Proclamation of the Gospel
January 22, 2017 / Duration: 57:22
1 Timothy 2:1-7 Paul knew that the most significant thing Timothy could address in Ephesus was prayer. Paul connects the prayer of the church to the scope of salvation offered freely in the gospel. It is in our prayers for the salvation of all people where we most tangibly express the gospel to the world.
Behind a Frowning Providence – Psalm 44
August 14, 2016 / Duration: 45:17
Psalm 44 Psalm 44 helps us orient our response to tragedy and uncertainty in a Godward direction. When faced with trial and honest frustration, how do we avoid the hope-blindness of distrust in God’s covenant faithfulness? By reminding ourselves of the inseparable love of God toward us in Christ Jesus his Son.