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August 6, 2023 / Duration: 1:01:43
Streamed live on Aug 6, 2023 Isaiah’s message to his readers is simple: stop trusting in yourselves and remember Yahweh’s covenant. He is the true ruler and king of his people, and his city is holy and righteous. But how God’s people are led to faithfulness and obedience is not by their own effort or strength, but by the hand

Isaiah’s Messiah: The Davidic King
November 28, 2021 / Duration:
As we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent this year, we look to the Prophet Isaiah to consider how he stirred the hope and longing of God’s people for their coming King.

Was The Suffering Of Jesus Really Necessary? A Passion Sermon
March 23, 2016 / Duration:
The gruesome narrative of Jesus’ suffering and death may lead some to wonder if all that suffering wasn’t a bit excessive, necessary, or even evil. But the prophet Isaiah understood that the savior’s suffering was indeed necessary, and even carried out by God’s own hand.