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March 31, 2024 / Duration: 45:20
John 2:13-22 — Why do we follow and worship Jesus? Because he died for our sins on the cross? Because he loves us and saves us and sends his Spirit to comfort, guide and lead us? Because he transformed our lives from condemned messes of rebellion and sin into a flourishing delight in righteousness? All of these are praiseworthy acts,

The Word and the World
May 8, 2022 / Duration:
John 21:25 – What does Jesus’ word and work mean for the world? What does it mean for our faith? And what does it mean receive them, believe them, and obey them? For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Life and Death As Witness to Christ
May 1, 2022 / Duration:
John 21:18-24 – How can we glorify God even in our deaths? Only if our lives are lived in sacrificial praise, ardent zeal, and faithful obedience to Christ. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Restoration in Resurrection
April 24, 2022 / Duration:
John 21:1-17 – Guest preacher James Ramseyer. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Resurrected for the Hopeless
April 17, 2022 / Duration:
John 20:1-31 – Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ not because in it we are affirmed, but because by it we are transformed – from strangers and separated to one with God, in Christ Jesus our Lord. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

The King’s Grave
April 10, 2022 / Duration:
John 19:38-42 – In life and in death, Jesus was not treated like the King that we know him to be. But his burial treatment by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus reveal that the Lordship of Christ was about to become obvious to a lot of people. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Obedient to the Point of Death: The Crucifixion of Christ
April 3, 2022 / Duration:
John 19:16b–37 — what can account for the willingness of an innocent man to die for countless sinners? Only a willing, faithful, and perfect obedience will do. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Jesus on Trial
March 27, 2022 / Duration:
Up and coming youthful pastor Johnathan Esteban Honorio preaches today’s message on the tendency to gravitate towards legalism and the dangers that can present

The Constant Faith of the Crucified Christ
March 20, 2022 / Duration:
The trial of Jesus before his accusers provides a striking contrast to the expedient faith of the disciples. Peter’s denials reveal a commitement to convenience above Christ. How does our own faith stack up?