Thanks for stopping by. We hope you’ll find everything you’re looking for here on our website, but if not, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’d be delighted to help you. You can also stay up to date by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.
We’d love to have you join us! We offer a safe and welcoming environment for Christians and non-Christians alike to come together to explore and study Scripture. We gather every Sunday morning at 10am at 904 Princess Anne St. We also offer an Education hour for both adults and children before service. For detailed information about where to park and what to expect, click the link below.
We are a new church plant in downtown Fredericksburg, VA committed to the worship of Jesus Christ and inspiration, authority, and complete relevance of the Bible to all of life. We exist to display the wisdom and glory of God in the supremacy of his Son, Jesus Christ, and the sufficiency of his word. To discover more about us, consider visiting one Sunday, or continue exploring below.
Foundation Church ascribes to the great tradition of the orthodox Christian faith as it is expressed in what is commonly called The Apostles’ Creed. Beyond this, we also affirm those clear doctrines from Scripture that teach the essentials of the gospel, the revelation of God, the nature of salvation, and the body of Christ. You can read our full Statement of Beliefs by clicking the link below.
About Us
The gospel and the exposition of God’s word serve as the foundation and supreme principle from which we operate. It directs our actions in life, community, and ministry.
Our Mission
Foundation Church exists so that, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God might be made known throughout the campus of Mary Washington, the city of Fredericksburg, and all nations, by the making of disciples, baptizing, and the preaching of God’s word.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to know Jesus and make him known. In knowing him, we delight in his affections for us, and so we seek to display that love to the world. Our chief end is to be a vessel by which others may glorify God, gather as a community, and go forth to the nations.
Our Heart
Our heart is to see a gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, and culturally diverse church in Fredericksburg serving as a foundation and catalyst for gospel growth, committed to reaching the community, engaging culture, making disciples, training leaders, and planting churches.
Meet Our Leadership

Bobby has lived in Northern Virginia his whole life, and has made Fredericksburg his home for over 10 years. He is married to Brittany Oliveri and together they have three children, Tinley, Shepard, and Cohen. Bobby and Brittany Served as IMB missionaries to Reykjavik, Iceland in 2013. Bobby Graduated from Liberty University with a Bacheleor’s in Religion, and is a Master of Divinity student at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
We gather for corporate worship every Sunday morning at 10am in the Old Princess Anne Building in downtown Fredericksburg, located at 904 Princess Anne Street. Click here to learn about what to expect when you visit.
Childcare is provided for children six and under, and is always staffed with our volunteers who have been background checked and trained to provide your child with a safe, fun, and educational experience.
Parking: There are several options for parking. There is a parking lot located behind the building, as well as a free parking lot located along Sophia Street, directly at the end of George Street. There is also free parking at the Sophia Street Parking Garage, located at 600 Sophia Street. Parking spots are available along the streets all throughout the city. All Parking is available on a first come, first served basis. If you need to unload or drop items or people off, a greeter located outside will be available to help.
Other Gatherings
Info & Membership Class
Informational and membership classes are offered once a quarter to provide an informal opportunity to gather a deeper understanding of Foundation’s vision for the gospel in Fredericksburg and to consider more about joining our congregation through church membership. Email info@foundationfxbg.com for more information or to learn when the next available course begins.
Prayer Service
Corporate prayer is immensely vital for the growth and success of our church and ministry. Our Prayer Service is intended to focus our minds and hearts on our dependence upon God and our access to him through Christ. Join us on the last Sunday evening of every month at 4pm, followed by a shared meal, for a time of Scripture reading, prayer, and intercession. All are welcome, childcare is provided.
Community Groups
Community groups are designed to facilitate relationships for mutual edification and to cultivate spiritual fellowship informed by Scripture and pursued through prayer, study, and interpersonal reflection. Information on our current Community Groups can be obtained in service or by emailing info@foundationfxbg.com. Read more on our vision for Community Groups here.
Equip Courses
We provide teaching and instruction on various topics from theology to cultural issues during our education hour, which meets each Sunday from 9:00-9:45am, before service. All are welcome to attend. Find more information on our current schedule in service or by emailing info@foundationfxbg.com.
“…So that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might be made known” // Ephesians 3:10
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” // Matthew 28:19-20
“…You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” // Acts 1:8
Latest Sermon

A Passion for God’s Sovereignty
Preacher: Jacob DeCourcey
Sermon Text: Ephesians 1:15-23
Sermon Series: Passionate Prayers
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Featured Sermon

The 7 Marks of Spiritual Maturity
Preacher: Bobby Oliveri
Sermon Text: Hebrews 5:11 – 6:3
Sermon Series: Hebrews: Discovering The Excellency Of Christ
[More Info]
Sermon Archive

Check out the rest of our sermon audio and our past and current series by visiting our Sermon Archive Page (still under development).
The ministry of Foundation Church is sustained by the cheerful generosity of our members and supporters. We believe that giving is an act of worship. We give not only our money, but also our time, gifts, resources, and talents, as the Lord allows. There are two ways that you may donate to the ministry of Foundation Church*:
In Service: You can drop a check or cash in an offering basket during our service on Sunday mornings.
By Mail: Mail your donation to Foundation Church, 904 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Online: You can also donate online Donate
*You can help offset the costs associated with online giving by selecting the checkbox to add to your donation.
Get In Touch
Service Location: 904 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401
Service Time: 10am