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September 29, 2024 / Duration: 43:50
Psalm 110 — Psalm 110 is a key passage in the New Testament’s understanding and interpretation of the Old. Many of the threads that form the tapestry of the entire Bible run through this Psalm, shaping the understanding of the office and ministry of Christ for the apostles. For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com

Psalm 22: Forsaken by God?
July 14, 2024 / Duration: 49:27
Psalm 22 is a pivotal text in the Old Testament that reveals depth of Christ’s sufferings for those he would redeem, as well as the depth of God’s love for those whom he has called. For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com

Psalm 90: The Glory of Eternity and the Dust of the Earth
July 7, 2024 / Duration: 49:16
Psalm 90 is often read at funerals. But like much, if not all, of what is done at funerals, the reading is not for the deceased, but for the living. For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com

The Book of Psalms: Wisdom For Our Emotions
June 25, 2023 / Duration: 50:58
Streamed live on Jun 25, 2023 The Psalms are God’s words to man even when they are man’s words to God. In other words, they are God’s words to man for man, the whole man, to be sung and enjoyed and used. God gives us the Psalms, which range the whole of human emotion and experience, in order that we

Zion, the City of God
August 28, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 48 is a celebration of the blessings of belonging to the Lord. The church shares in the fortunes of God’s power and protection because he is their king who reign is established forever. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

The Rich Providence of a Kind God
August 21, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 147 teaches us why it is right to praise God through its celebration of the kind and gracious providences of a good and powerful God not simply over his creation, but for the good his chosen people. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Refuge and Reward from the Realm of God’s Glory
August 14, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 57 – When the Lord is gracious, the knowledge of his character and glory will spread and cover the earth. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

The Voice Above all Voices
August 7, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 29 – The Lord is a fearful God, sovereign and supreme over all things. But he is also tender and gives peace to his people. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

Lord, Where is Your Steadfast Love?
July 31, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 89 is a powerful song of praise and lament, but one that ultimately leads us to hope. It points us to the reality of God’s love and faithfulness proven in the death and resurrection of Jesus, which serve as the basis of our hope in distress. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

A Lament Over Sin
July 24, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 38 is a song of lament over the painful realities of sin. How can we learn to navigate the effects of sin and return to the kindnesses of God with hearts restored? In Christ, who takes upon him self the deadly consequences of our sin, we are made righteous and restored to God. For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.

A Living Memory
July 17, 2022 / Duration:
Psalm 78 reminds us that God is still good even when we are not, but it also warns of the perils of forgetting God’s past faithfulness and presuming upon his continued kindness. Here’s how we can avoid these dangers.