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October 10, 2021 / Duration:
Husband and wives, men and women, are heirs together of the grace of life.
Obedient Children – 1 Peter 1:14-25
September 12, 2021 / Duration:
How do Christians exiles live out their salvation in the world? As obedient children, striving to be holy as God is holy. Please visit our website for updates and to give
Resolute In The Word
December 30, 2018 / Duration: 43:50
Joshua 1:8 How can we live like Christ and obey God unless we are intimately familiar with the Word? We can’t! Resolve now to spend this year regularly reading and studying God’s word individually and alongside of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Three Qualities Of Commendable Faith
April 22, 2018 / Duration: 41:05
Guest Speaker: James Ramseyer Hebrews 11:8-16 DISCLAIMER: Due to some technical difficulties while recording the sermon, there is a good bit of background noise. Sorry!
The Sabbath Rest: Now and Forever
October 25, 2017 / Duration: 30:29
Hebrews 4:1-13 Let us not be like the Israelites who failed to enter God’s rest because of their disobedience. We must not take for granted God’s promises. While the promise of rest stands, we are encouraged to fear the result of failure. This is not to drive us toward attempting to merit rest on our own, but rather to reveal