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What is the Vision and Role of the Church?
April 9, 2017 / Duration: 49:44
The vision of every church must be marked by a hope in the return of Christ, and a desire for covenant diversity and community. As the church engages with the world around it, this vision will influence and guide us as Kingdom ambassadors.

A Gospel-Centered Community
March 12, 2017 / Duration: 45:43
1 Timothy 5 Paul instructs the church to take on a godly posture toward one another, those in need, and their leadership.

Being Shaped by the Gospel
March 5, 2017 / Duration: 28:53
1 Timothy 4:11-16 | Guest Preacher: Joe Harris Paul’s charge to Timothy was to teach, model, and guard the gospel in the church. The gospel must shape the lives of Christians who desire to glorify God and point others to Christ.

Confidence, Compassion, and Community – James 5:13-20
December 15, 2015 / Duration:
Part 13 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. In this sermon, we conclude our study of the book of James, and explore the final marks of a Pure Church: a confident hope in the character of God, and a compassionate pursuit and defense of the truth.

A Joyful Community – James 1:1-4
September 22, 2015 / Duration:
Part 1 of a 13-week series on the letter of James. In this passage, James is urging his readers to be a community marked by constant joy, even in the face of trial and adversity. How does he help the church count everything as “all joy?” [Download]