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June 16, 2024 / Duration: 46:13
Luke 6:27-36 – The command to love our enemies is deceptively simple, yet difficult to live out. Where do we find the strength to love those who hate us and so show the world the worthiness of Christ? For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
Jesus’ Ministry: Proclaiming the Good News
April 7, 2024 / Duration: 40:07
Luke 4:16-44 — What makes Jesus and his ministry so unique? What gives him the authority and power to command such attention from others? Jesus answers that question himself as he begins his public ministry in Judea. For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
Jesus in the Wilderness
February 11, 2024 / Duration: 42:41
Luke 4:1-13 – What does it mean for Jesus to have been tempted? Why was it so important to his ministry and what does it matter to our faith? For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
Baptized in Repentance
February 4, 2024 / Duration: 39:01
Luke 3 – Jesus is coming. What must we do to be ready? For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
Young Jesus in the Temple
January 28, 2024 / Duration: 28:23
What does Jesus’ dedication to his father’s will, even at such a young age, teach us today? For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
The Saints’ Songs of Advent: Zechariah’s Song
December 3, 2023 / Duration: 49:11
This advent season, we’re working our way through the first few chapters of Luke’s gospel, exploring the songs of praise surrounding the birth of Christ. For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com
The Stewardship of Service
May 22, 2022 / Duration:
Luke 12:16-21 — What does it look like to serve the Lord in the fullness of our calling, living generously for the glory of God? For more information, visit Foundationfxbg.com.
What Does it Cost to be a Disciple
August 29, 2021 / Duration: 45:29
The path to following Jesus is at times difficult and arduous, but is also worth every trial. To give or learn more, go to foundationfxbg.com