Featured image for “Strangers & Aliens – 1 Peter 2:11-25”

Strangers & Aliens – 1 Peter 2:11-25

October 3, 2021 / Duration:

How should Christians seek to navigate culture as strangers to it? What does wise, godly engagement look like that will realistically transform our cities? Peter points his readers to humility, honor, and suffering. View this morning’s Worship Guide here: http://www.foundationfxbg.com/wp-cont… For more information, visit foundationfxbg.com.
Featured image for “What is the Vision and Role of the Church?”

What is the Vision and Role of the Church?

April 9, 2017 / Duration: 49:44

The vision of every church must be marked by a hope in the return of Christ, and a desire for covenant diversity and community. As the church engages with the world around it, this vision will influence and guide us as Kingdom ambassadors.