Featured image for “The Power for Purity in the Purpose of Christ’s Death”

The Power for Purity in the Purpose of Christ’s Death

October 20, 2020 / Duration: 52:48

1 Corinthians 5
Featured image for “Confession”


January 19, 2020 / Duration: 46:03

1 John 1:9 and Psalm 32
Featured image for “The Tempations Of Christ”

The Tempations Of Christ

January 20, 2019 / Duration: 47:07

Matthew 4:1-11
Featured image for “Adam’s Sin, Man’s Fall, Christ’s Work”

Adam’s Sin, Man’s Fall, Christ’s Work

June 18, 2017 / Duration: 53:48

Genesis 3 | Romans 5 In order to understand the gospel and work of Christ properly, we must first come to a clear understanding of the nature of human sinfulness, and how we got to where we are. The Apostle Paul helps interpret the implications of Adam’s rebellion in the Garden, and how Christ is our better Adam.
Featured image for “Hidden Sin and the Presence of God – Joshua 7”

Hidden Sin and the Presence of God – Joshua 7

April 21, 2016 / Duration:

Sin causes us to distrust the promises of God and the faithfulness of God’s character, ultimately forcing isolation from God’s nearness. Through the story of Joshua 7, we learn the seriousness of sin and holiness of God, and treasure in Christ’s provision to secure for his people God’s presence.
Featured image for “Resolving Conflict – James 4:1-12”

Resolving Conflict – James 4:1-12

November 17, 2015 / Duration:

Part 9 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. Sin and pride promote a culture of conflict in our relationship with ourselves, each other, and God. In this sermon, we examine the conflicts sin creates and how to resolve them. [Download]
Featured image for “Trial and Temptation – James 1:12-18”

Trial and Temptation – James 1:12-18

October 26, 2015 / Duration:

Part 3 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. In this passage, we explore how our trials ultimately lead to our reward and seek to understand how God, who is sovereign over our temptations, is yet not the one who tempts us, but the one who gives every good and perfect gift. [Download]