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Deuteronomy | An Overview
August 13, 2017 / Duration: 46:52
The book of Deuteronomy serves as a reminder to God’s people of his steadfast love and devotion, and a call for that devotion to be met with praise, worship, and faithful obedience.

Revealing the Glory of God in Salvation Through Judgment
July 9, 2017 / Duration: 44:04
Exodus 3-15 As we explore the calling of Moses, the ten plagues, and the exodus event, we are shown God’s special care for his people, his power to accomplish his will, and the means by which he will bring it about.

God’s Faithfulness, Sovereignty, and Glory in Exodus: An Overview
July 2, 2017 / Duration: 41:46
Exodus is an exciting story of Israel’s deliverance from captivity and cruel oppression. But the story is not simply about Israel, or even Moses – God’s faithfulness and sovereignty, and especially his glory, are the central actors in this epic narrative.

The Divine Purposes of Human Lowliness; How the Clarity of Christ Exalts the Humble
October 16, 2016 / Duration: 54:32
John 9 In his dramatic healing of a man blind from birth, Jesus reveals to us the normative pattern of God’s interaction and self disclosure to the world — namely, using the despised, rejected, and lowly to humble the proud and exalt the humble, for the glory of God. Do we see our lowliness as an advantage for the purposes of God,

If The Lord Wills – James 4:13-17
November 24, 2015 / Duration:
Part 10 of a 13 part series on the letter of James. In this sermon, we seek to remember the sovereignty of God in our planning and the supremacy of Christ over our plans.