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September 5, 2021 / Duration:
We’ll begin a new study of 1 Peter, a letter written to encourage Christians to live boldly and faithfully as chosen exiles in an increasingly hostile world. In it we learn numerous principles of Christian living, and are helped to see more faithfully our true hope in Christ as aliens and exiles.

The Fruit of Grace and the Sign of Redemption
November 17, 2019 / Duration: 45:17
Matthew 12:33-42

Revealing the Glory of God in Salvation Through Judgment
July 9, 2017 / Duration: 44:04
Exodus 3-15 As we explore the calling of Moses, the ten plagues, and the exodus event, we are shown God’s special care for his people, his power to accomplish his will, and the means by which he will bring it about.

The Immeasurable Love of the Infinite God
May 28, 2017 / Duration: 46:34
John 3:16 John 3:16 is arguably the most familiar passage of the entire Bible. But what is quoted by many is often understood by few. The true depth and wonder of this verse is too often overlooked or too lightly esteemed by our modern culture, but a closer examination reveals an intimate glimpse of the sheer magnitude of God’s love.

The Place of Prayer in the Proclamation of the Gospel
January 22, 2017 / Duration: 57:22
1 Timothy 2:1-7 Paul knew that the most significant thing Timothy could address in Ephesus was prayer. Paul connects the prayer of the church to the scope of salvation offered freely in the gospel. It is in our prayers for the salvation of all people where we most tangibly express the gospel to the world.

Rivers of Living Water
September 18, 2016 / Duration: 27:36
John 7:37-39 (Preacher Jonathan Honorio) At the end of the Great Feast, Jesus makes a bold claim – “come to me and drink.” The promise of God’s all-satisfying provision is fulfilled in his son, Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to be thirsty and to come to Christ to drink? What is the Living Water which flows from the

Born Again By God – John 2:23-3:21
April 5, 2016 / Duration:
The new birth produces faith in the heart of the believer. It is this saving faith, not intellectual ascension, that allows us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.