- 1 Corinthians/
- 1 John/
- 1 Peter/
- 1 Samuel/
- 1 Thessalonians/
- 1 Timothy/
- 2 Thessalonians/
- 2 Timothy/
- Acts/
- Colossians/
- Daniel/
- Deuteronomy/
- Ecclesiastes/
- Ephesians/
- Esther/
- Exodus/
- Ezekiel/
- Galatians/
- Genesis/
- Habakkuk/
- Hebrews/
- Isaiah/
- James/
- Jeremiah/
- John/
- Joshua/
- Jude/
- Lamentations/
- Leviticus/
- Luke/
- Mark/
- Matthew/
- New Testament/
- Numbers/
- Old Testament/
- Philemon/
- Philippians/
- Proverbs/
- Psalms/
- Revelation/
- Romans/
- Song of Solomon/
- Titus/

May 5, 2016 / Duration:
Those whose faith Jesus confirms are they that welcome Jesus, not on basis of what he may do for them, but on the basis of who he is. We believe and follow Christ because of his word, not what we want him to provide for us.

The Word of God and the Delight of His People
January 11, 2016 / Duration:
Part 2 of a 5 part series entitled Resolved, which explores the worthy purposes of the Christian life and foster a commitment and faithfulness to the pursuit of the Glory of God.