- 1 Corinthians/
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- 2 Thessalonians/
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August 29, 2021 / Duration: 45:29
The path to following Jesus is at times difficult and arduous, but is also worth every trial. To give or learn more, go to foundationfxbg.com
The Privilege and Duty of Christian Discipleship
December 9, 2019 / Duration: 46:14
Matthew 12:46-50
Evangelism, Part 2: The Personal Witness of the Disciple
July 15, 2019 / Duration: 55:26
No excerpt
The Nature and Calling of Christian Discipleship
May 12, 2019 / Duration: 54:46
Matthew 8:18-9:17
The Pattern Of The Gospel In The Life Of The Church
February 25, 2018 / Duration: 45:40
Hebrews 10:19-25
Behold the Wondrous Mystery – John 1:35-51
February 29, 2016 / Duration:
The joy and wonder of Jesus is that he invites us to come to him even when he has already come to us. What ultimately fuels our witness of Christ is Christ’s witness about himself. We call others to “come and see” this man who knows so much about our lives and promises to show us great things.