Featured image for “On Good Authority: Believing the True Testimony About Jesus – John 5:30-47”

On Good Authority: Believing the True Testimony About Jesus – John 5:30-47

May 24, 2016 / Duration:

John 5:30-47 (guest preacher Nate Claggett) After making bold claims about his authority with God the Father, Jesus now defends his statements by pointing to credible testimony – The Father’s. God affirms the truth of Jesus’ claim through his works, his prophets, and his word. Believing that Jesus is God’s Son is evidence of a right belief in the testimony
Featured image for “The Grace of God and the Testimony of His People”

The Grace of God and the Testimony of His People

February 8, 2016 / Duration:

Part 5 of a 5 part series entitled Resolved, which explores the worthy purposes of the Christian life and foster a commitment and faithfulness to the pursuit of the Glory of God.