Featured image for “God’s Creative Word”

God’s Creative Word

June 11, 2017 / Duration: 59:28

Genesis 1:1-2:3 The first chapter of Genesis depicts God’s mighty work of creation. But this isn’t simply a history of events. It’s a retelling of the creative participation of the all-powerful word of God, with great implications for its readers today.
Featured image for “From The Beginning”

From The Beginning

June 4, 2017 / Duration: 58:38

Genesis: An Overview Series introduction and overview of the book of Genesis. As a book of beginnings, we learn that God has been consistently working and pursuing his creation from the very start. Genesis is crucial to our understanding of the Bible because it sets the stage for narrative of Redemption we witness throughout time.
Featured image for “The Goodness and Greatness of God In Christ – Psalm 8”

The Goodness and Greatness of God In Christ – Psalm 8

August 28, 2016 / Duration: 40:58

Psalm 8 Guest Preacher Darren King Psalm 8 proclaims the wondrous goodness of God to his creation, and his worthiness to be praised by his creation. It also points us to Christ, who is the ultimate revelation of God’s goodness and greatness.